Monday, August 29, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya!!!

Dikesempatan ini saya selaku pengendali blog ini ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua kaum keluarga, sahabat handai, para bloggers dan umat Islam seluruh dunia (mcm ade org satu dunia lyn blog aku nih). Maaf zahir batin semua atas segala terkasar bahasa, tersilap taip, tersilap attach gambar(cilok gamba org), atau segala apa yg mampu membuatkan anda semua marah... Harap dimaafkan la hendaknya... Layan dlu lagu raya dr Ahmad Jais nie k? Nak nyanyi? Lirik kat bawah tu skali. Have a wonderful Eid everyone!

Selamat hari raya
Aidilfitri mulia
Ampun maaf dipinta
Mensuci hening dosa

Setahun menghilang
Sekarang menjelang
Hari yang bahagia
Selamat hari raya

Selamat hari raya
Aidilfitri mulia
Ampun maaf diminta
Mensuci hening dosa

Seruan kita
Untuk semua
Selamat... selamat...
Selamat hari raya

( ulang dari mula )

Selamat... selamat...
Selamat hari raya

p/s: jgn main mercun, bahaya... Beraya lah dengan selamat, ingatlah orang tersayang.
(HopeAvatar: Selamek Haghi Ghayo!!!)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Second Half of Ramadhan... The Movie...

Movie la sangat kan? Short clip ni just preview on ape aku maksudkan dgn POOOWWW!!!dlm entry aku sebelum nih... Nak tgk? Sile la tekan link kat bwh tu ye....


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Second Half of Ramadhan...

Assalamualaikum n Salam Sejahtera. Actually, mase aku taip post ni dah 20 Ramadhan dah pun... ape yg second halfnye lg, ni dah tggl sepertige je lg ramadhan ni... Ape yg aku nk citer kali ni? Ia ada kaitan dgn tin, lighter, dan *tuut*(bajet censored).... Mesti ade yg tw ape bnde ak nk citer ni kn? Kalo dah tw, buat2 xtw. Yg xtw, layan dlu. Tapi xnk layan pun xpe, "Aiman tak kesah."


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Care, Caring, Cared, Cares...

What is it that someone really care in their life? Is it their family? Their wealth? Or maybe Their so-called lovers? Well, a wise man once told me 

"If u really want to care about something or somebody,
 why don't you start by taking care of your own self."

And i took 1 step back and look what am I really care about? To tell the truth, I only care about something that doesn't even could care about me. Ahah! There u go! That is why I'm still in my square one since God-knows-when... I just keep on caring on that something instead of taking care on myself... I was lost in HOPELESSNESS...

That's why I'm really envious (in a good way of course) to some people who have someone that care so damn much about them. The way they live their life is just so amazing... Its like the world is their own. They can have their thoughts heard, have their problems discussed together, have their feelings shown, etc. But not everyone of that small group of people appreciate what they have. Its like they took it for granted. They just don't wanna listen to other people's thought, don't give a damn about other people's problem and don't care with other people's feelings. Even that other people is the one that is there when he/she need them.

This is just a thoughts of me that i wanna share. Its what I've been seeing and experiencing for life. So, if you really care about someone, give yourself some to, because in the end, you'll never know whether anyone who really care about you. And when you know it, treasure it. Because its hard to find someone like that. Lets look at what Elbert Hubbard coined....

"The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live"
Elbert Hubbard

p/s: Don't do something that will only hurt yourself but do something that make everyone happy.
(HopeAvatar: Yeah Dude! Life Goes On!)