Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Not?

Well, at first let me say sorry for the long disappearance (yeah, like anyone care). I'm kinda busy since my last post. With career and stuffs.

Maybe (just maybe), you'll be thinking "Why the hell do this hopeless brat come back into our precious blog world?" let me just tell you guys...

Why not?This post is gonna be super corny that i'm gonna face the wrath of trollers (mostly my own friends). Its about one thing called love. Yes. L.O.V.E! Not my major in life since its already 3+ years of being single. I'm single and i'm happy, F**k me yeah? Most of the time i do feel happy. Just that split second of loneliness that sometimes make me feel "I wanna be in a relationship". but it never did happened and probably won't happen for another 2-3 years...

But you know? the best thing being single is that you can see the problems that another two human beings encounter on a daily basis. Two of which is a male and a female (I strongly against homos. Hate me for it? Buzz off and get a life!). Ok, the thing with young couples is, they never be out of problems. Its like getting into problems is their habit. And when a so-called-problems arise, they'll argue like there is no tomorrow. And you know what? That problems is mostly crap! Example:

M: Lets go watch a movie.
F: Which one?
M: Shit.
F: Shit? that's a spoof. Lets watch Crap instead. 
....And the battle begins....

See? what crap is that? And usually, the topic will wander off from seeing a movie to his/her armpit smell to he/she farted in sleep and so on...

And the best thing is.... One lucky person who is single gonna the Humpty Dumpty in this crap. Where he/she stand on top of a wall and can't go down on any side. Duh, Humpty Dumpty is an egg. go down, he'll be dead. This Humpty will then console each person in the matter and be like a UN delegation sent into a peace talk. (<-- It is like that when you think about it). And when things back in control, they'll act like those crap never happened in their life. Dude, a shit dropped on your head. And you forgot it already? Yes, they did.

When they forgot that they've been in a crappy argument, they'll definitely be inside that crappy zone yet again. and this will go on until they broke up or married. Two condition where they won't care of crappy things anymore. Why? Well, when you broke up do u care to think of the crap happened to the other party? I didn't. And when you are married, you definitely in love like no other, so no crappy problems shall arise.

And to that Humpty Dumpty, the breakup scenario(young couples fighting) is like the biggest crap dumped onto him. Why? Well... read the paragraph where i'm talking about the Humpty Dumpty. He/She has really wasted part of their life just to make sure shit don't get real all this time, and BOOM! shit just got real. Have you ever wonder how much dedication it take to promoting each side to the other? High enough that you must name your first son/daughter with his/her name.

But yet, no one cares of how Humpty Dumpty feels... "Who ask for your help?" they said... "You're the one barging in!" they said... Then left alone is crushed Humpty Dumpty on the floor waiting to evaporate (or be eaten by a stray cat/dog/any other animal.)

The morale of the post is. Mind your own f-ing business! Don't get involved in this type of matter. And sorry for this crappy post, the harsh words and my sincerest apology to anyone who feel offended by my post. I'm not trying to piss anyone. Just making up story based on what i see. Sorry again. May Allah bless all of us and may He grant happiness to all of us.

HopeAvatar: He's back bebeh!

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